Home Page3-day colon cleanse user’s guide & cautions

3-Day Colon Cleanse User’s Guide & Cautions

The 3-Day Colon Cleanse is designed to assist you revitalize your gastro-intestinal system and to help you get rid of your accumulating and unwanted waste.

The 3-Day Colon Cleanse is a complete regimen that rests your gut and replaces your meals for three days. To fully enjoy the benefits of the 3-Day Colon Cleanse, it is best that you follow the instructions in this User’s Guide.

The User’s Guide gives detailed instructions and tips on how to use the products and assists you in every part of the program. It also has a section on the common questions users ask about the three-day program.

So before you begin the program, it is important that you go through this guide and read the instructions carefully.

3 Day Colon Cleanse Guide and Instructions

There are three phases to the 3-Day Colon Cleanse Program.

1st) Pre-Cleanse phase prepares your bowels for the process. It is a two-day pre-cleanse regiment to help loosen up the bowels and prepare your GI system for the three-day cleanse-fast regimen. In these two days, it is best that you start eating less and avoiding heavy meals.

2nd) 3-Day Colon Cleanse phase is the THREE-day regimen where you rest your intestinal system and take only the meal replacement products provided by the pack. In the three days of cleansing, you will see the mucoid plaque being removed and discharged. The mucoid plaque is the build up of mucous, dead cells, and impacted waste material that covers the inner wall of your colon and clogs the effective elimination of the fecal waste in your colon.

3rd) Post Cleanse phase is a two-day return to normal program. After three days of the cleansing fast, the intestinal system is being prepared to return to normal functioning.


Please take note of those who should not use this program:
• Pregnant or nursing mothers;
• Anyone with an acute infection;
• Anyone recovering from a medical procedure, surgery or therapy;
• Anyone with a bowel obstruction;
• Anyone with extreme weakness or extreme nutritional deficiencies or imbalance should not participate in this program.


Two days before the actual program, it is advisable that you start reducing your meal intake in preparation for the three-day fast.

On each of the days, you need to decrease your food intake by decreasing the portion size by increments of 25%.

Day One (Pre-Cleanse)Reduce meal portion size to 75%Drink a lot of water.
Day Two (Pre-Cleanse)Reduce meal portion size to 50%Drink a lot of water.

Besides reducing the portion size, you may also want to change what you eat. Eat more vegetables,
fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Avoid packaged and processed food, sugar, alcohol, meat, dairy
products, fried foods, and coffee.

It is important that you keep your body hydrated by taking at least twelve glasses of water a day.


This is a three-day cleansing fast that rests your intestinal system, removes the accumulated waste and restores the normal milieu of the gastro-intestinal tract.

This phase allows for the maximum removal of mucoid plaque and retained fecal waste. During these days, you should not feel the physical urge to eat or hunger. There are those who have some craving appearing on the first day because their body is getting used to the cleanse-fast. Be self-controlled and discipline your mind; and stand your ground.

This urge may actually be thirst. If you take in plenty of water (3 liters/day), the urge naturally goes away. By the second day, your body will have already accustomed to the program and so you will not have the urge again.

Some of us have been accustomed to taking many meals and have been used to munching everyday. Some of your craving is psychological. Focus on your commitment to your goal of cleansing your colon.

Wake up time or 7:30 a.m.BIO-WHEATGRASS1 sachet in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve one sachet in 12 ounces or 300 ml of room temperature or cold water.
8:00 a.m./BrealfastBIO-BALANCE + BIO-DIET2 sachets in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve well both sachets in 12-16 ounces room temperature or cold water.
10:00 a.m./SnackBIO-CELL1 sachet in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve one sachet in 12 ounces or 300 ml of room temperature or cold water.
12:00 nn/LunchBIO-BALANCE + BIO-DIET2 sachets in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve well both sachets in 12-16 ounces room temperature or cold water.
3:00 pm/SnackBIO-CELL1 sachet in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve one sachet in 12 ounces or 300 ml of room temperature or cold water.
6:00 pm/DinnerBIO-BALANCE + BIO-DIET2 sachets in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve well both sachets in 12-16 ounces room temperature or cold water.
9:00 pm or before sleepingBIO-WHEATGRASS1 sachet in 12 oz or 300ml. waterDissolve one sachet in 12 ounces or 300 ml of room temperature or cold water.

NOTE: Use a shaker jar or bottle and drink immediately after mixing.



Dissolve one sachet in 12 ounces or 300 ml of room temperature or cold water. Use a shaker and drink immediately upon mixing.

This is the first drink of the day. Wheatgrass gives the body plant fiber that provides bulk to the fecal matter.

Bulk is one of the conditions for an effective elimination of waste. Fecal waste must have the necessary bulk or mass to initiate peristalsis or contraction of the colon smooth muscles. When the fecal matter does not have the required bulk, peristalsis is not initiated and the fecal waste is retained.

Furthermore, wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll, which is plant nutrient that acts like the red blood cells of our body. Chlorophyll traps oxygen and delivers it to the cells. In the body, chlorophyll augments the function of blood and helps oxygenate the cells.

In the evening, before sleeping, another sachet of BIO WHEAT GRASS is necessary to help replenish the GI enzymes that were used during the day. It also helps restore a normal and healthy gastro-intestinal environment.

Wheatgrass is rich in Vitamin K, which is necessary in encouraging a healthy growth of friendly bacteria in the gastro-intestinal system.


Dissolve well both sachets in 12-16 ounces room temperature or cold water, use a shaker and drink immediately after mixing. Do this according to program schedule.

The combination is a flavored meal replacement. It has the consistency of a shake and is available in three natural flavors: Cocoa, strawberry and cereal.

The primary ingredients of these products are palm oil fiber, fruit and vegetable extracts, soybean extract, guar gum, red rice, and the natural fruit flavor.

  1. GUAR GUM is fiber taken from the bark of the GUAR tree. It is rich in polysaccharides or complex carbohydrates that gelatinize and expand in the stomach when mixed with water. Guar gum is great in satiating the hunger by giving us the sense of fullness. As it expands in the stomach it also traps fats and cholesterol, thus, helping reduce cholesterol absorption in the body. Guar gum also provides bulk in the colon that helps move fecal matter.
  2. PALM OIL FIBER helps lubricate the inner lining of the colon and assists in dislodging mucoid plaque. The palm oil provides additional moisture necessary for an effective elimination of fecal waste. It facilitates the easy and gentle removal of retained fecal matter with its surfactant effect on the colon lining. On top of this, Palm oil has potent cholesterol-lowering properties and is trans fat free. It is rich in antioxidants, including Vitamin E. Palm oil is rich in tocotrienols that may have the ability to reverse blockage of the carotid artery and platelet aggregration thereby reducing the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis and other heart disease problems. Animal studies have found that tocotrienols may exhibit activity against tumor promotion. Palm fruit oil increases ‘good’ HDL, compared to other saturated oils, such as coconut oil.
  3. RED RICE is rich in complex carbohydrates that nourish the body while undergoing the cleansing fast. It provides fuel to the cells to continue producing energy to sustain the body. Although rich in carbohydrates, red rice is high in fiber content, thus, providing a steady release of insulin. It is also rich in Vitamin B complexes needed as co-factors in energy production.

Bio Diet and Bio Balance is taken during breakfast, lunchtime, and evening meal times. It is best to use a shaker when mixing the two together with water and it is necessary that you do not leave the mixture for more than TEN SECONDS as the mixture may gelatinize.


At mid-morning and mid-afternoon, dissolve one sachet in 12 ounces or 300 ml of room temperature or cold water. Use a shaker, and drink immediately after mixing. This mid-morning and mid-afternoon drink provides the body with a boost of energy needed to star the day.

  1. CARROTS are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. A goldmine of nutrients and a versatile vegetable, carrots are rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are great for the eyes; Vitamin B complexes, which helps boost our energy; and Vitamin C, powerful anti-oxidant and a necessary collagen-forming co-factor. These vitamins initiate the chemical reactions needed to create energy in the body and neutralize the free-radical toxins. Carrots have extraordinarily high pectin fiber. Pectin has been shown by the USDA to help lower cholesterol levels in the body. Pectin also helps satiate our hunger because it expands in the stomach making us feel full. Carrots also contain minerals like Calcium pectate, magnesium and potassium which helps alkalinize our body: and copper and iron, which keep our blood energetic.
  2. SOYA BEANS contain nucleic acids that help rebuild the cells in the body and repair tissue damage. They have enzymes and raw materials for hormones in the body. They can help move the chemical reactions forward in the body so as to generate energy needed for the day.
  3. PASSION FRUIT contains the nutrient ‘Maltol’. Maltol has been studied well in Europe. One of its major benefits is to facilitate a calming effect on the body. Specially in a cleansing fast like this, this fruit will help calm down our nerves, thus, reducing the stress in the body and the hunger associated with it.
  4. OMEGA-3 fatty acid is great in helping prevent the excess cholesterol build-up in the arteries but increase utilization of the cholesterol and reduction in cholesterol production.


After the cleansing fast, start breaking the regimen slowly.

First day after the cleansing-fast, take in fluids and or porridge only. This includes fruit juices like watermelon juice and apple juice, soya milk, and vegetable broth. Avoid processed or canned fruit juices. No coffee, soda or tea on this day.

Second day, start eating light meal, vegetables and fruits with your fluids. Avoid starchy vegetables like potato and corn.

Third day, resume eating normally. Take into consideration that a change of diet is in order for you since your old dietary habits have produced a very acidic constitution that initiated the mucoid plaque build up.


The goal of the program is to remove the so-called mucoid plaque and get rid of the stagnating fecal matter. For most, within the three-day program, they are able to eliminate significant amounts of mucoid plaque and retained feces.


Will I have diarrhea or an irritable bowel?

Will I have an uncontrollable urge? Will I have cramps?

What is mucoid plaque and what does it look like?

Since I will not be eating for the duration of the program, will I be hungry?

What if my bowels would not move?

What if I still cannot go?

Should I stop my medications?